加州众议员Catharine Baker提出法案防止BART罢工

加州众议员Catharine Baker提出法案防止BART罢工点击上方“美国华人”即可订阅。

加州众议员Catharine Baker提出法案防止BART罢工

根据Pleasanton Weekly今天报道,加州众议员Catharine Baker日前提出法案防止将来有可能的BART罢工。Pleasaton副市长Brown说:一个当选官员兑现她的竞选承诺,这是多么清新的政坛新风啊!

湾区捷运(BART)在2013年曾发生两次罢工,许多湾区民众还记忆犹新,罢工对湾区民众通勤出行造成严重影响,对湾区经济也造成巨大损失。 Catharine的法案为Assembly Bill 528,是她去年11月就任州众议员后起草的第一个法案。法案将堵上现行的州法律的漏洞,在合同到期而且BART当局维持过期合同的员工的待遇和福利的情况下禁止BART员工罢工或停止工作。这种情况下的罢工在2013年发生了两次。


湾区华人社区和组织,例如硅谷华人协会(SVCA)在2014年的中期选举中大力支持共和党候选人Catharine Baker竞选,华人社区和组织的支持是Baker当选至关重要的因素。解决BART罢工问题是当时Baker的竞选承诺。Baker当选后能够兑现竞选 承诺,华人感到欣慰和鼓励。再次证明华人参政议政的重要性。


Baker introduces legislation to prevent future BART strikes

'An elected official that follows through on her promises, how refreshing,' says Pleasanton Vice Mayor Brown

by Jeb Bing / Pleasanton Weekly

State Assemblywoman Catharine B. Baker (R-San Ramon) introduced legislation today that would prevent future strikes by unionized employees of the Bay Area Rapid Transit System (BART).

This was the first bill she has authored since her election to the Assembly last November.

Baker's bill would close a loophole in current state law that allowed BART workers to strike twice in 2013.

Baker said that during the strikes in 2013, when the union contracts expired, workers went on strike even though management had honored the expired contract by paying benefits and wages during contract negotiations.

This bill prevents that lopsided outcome by providing that if the transit district honors its part of the expired contract, employees must do the same and honor the no-strike clause. Workers can't cherry pick what parts of the contract they will honor.

Baker's measure, Assembly Bill 528, would prohibit BART employees from engaging in a strike or work stoppage after the contract has expired if the transit district board maintains the compensation and benefit provisions of an expired contract and an employee or employee organization has agreed to a provision prohibiting strikes in the expired contract.

"This is a very different and unique approach to preventing future BART strikes," Baker said. "This approach is fair to workers, riders and the general public who rely so heavily on our mass transit system."


加州众议员Catharine Baker提出法案防止BART罢工
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