2015年美国年轻国家诗人称号获得者,目前就读于耶鲁大学的黄艾琳,曾写过一首诗 ——《有感于我怎么忘了中文》。艾琳的母亲说,第一次读到这首诗,眼泪就止不住。好像二十多年的游子漂泊之心,被女儿的诗,轻柔地触摸了一下。反思年轻人对身份的探索中,如果缺乏了父母的理解和陪伴,他们是多么孤独。
视频字幕:Jing Liu
—— 黄艾琳
两代人共同经历中西文化冲突,却呑咽着不同的滋味。越来越多的人开始探讨身份认同和文化融合课题。2021年2月,在新泽西“父母子女教育俱乐部”(PCE,Parents And Children Education Club)举办的月会上,一段读诗的录像, 触动了两代人的心。
黄艾琳2018年5月在纽约 Urban Word 读诗会上朗诵自己作品的录像。
录像播出短短几分钟, 留言纷至沓来……

艾琳的母亲说,第一次读到这首诗,眼泪就止不住。好像二十多年的游子漂泊之心,被女儿的诗,轻柔地触摸了一下。反思年轻人对身份的探索中,如果缺乏了父母的理解和陪伴,他们是多么孤独。华人移民一代注重的情商育儿(EQ parenting),不应该只是关门带好自己的孩子,还包括促进社会多元化进程,让孩子的将来,有更平等的机会,更丰富的阅历。
华裔中西文化之间的身份认同,到底走怎样一条路更好?加拿大心理学家John W Berry在他的多元文化心理学中建立了一个模型,提出同化(assimilation)和交融(acculturation)的关系。

John W Berry的理论模型,给移民家庭教育提供了可行的指导。在美国的移民父母和中文学校,可以多向孩子传递原生文化的自信,同时积极学习美国的人文思维;在美国的华二代,可以多向父母传递美国文化历史知识,同时倾听父母的故事,耐心陪伴他们走过内心的文化整合历程。
“说 pillow, pill [pil], pill ”
pillow, pillow, pill, pill,
My second grade teacher pries my throat open
and forces me to say the word pillow. Say it,
she says, pill-ow. Pill. Pill, like something
that can cure my un-american illness. And I say back
pell-ow. The way my parents say it. The laughter in the room
chokes me-i can’t speak without the vowels stilling the air,
without the syllables strangling my tongue. At home,
I practice saying it in front of the mirror, pillow, pillow, pill,
pill, like chanting the words to a song that I don’t know by heart
but I know that the English language is so rigid-
shapeless, an ocean without wax or wane, only
right or wrong: You can’t speak half-ying yu
and still be full American. You can’t say leggings like leggy
what my mother does before the lady
at the mall yells at her to speak English, please-
my mother who says Easter like Esther, who doesn’t know
she from he sometimes, we shop for anything that
can pare the skin off our bodies, for a knife to cut off our mother
tongue, and sometimes, Mandarin flows back to me in
scraps of burning paper, in the lines of that song on the radio whose
chorus is the only part I remember that ancient poem
that my mother once recited to me:举头望明月,
低头思故乡。I am beginning to think Mandarin is a myth:
They say in China my mother spoke as if her Mandarin could cleave
valleys through mountains, could steal waves from the oceans. In China
my mother commanded language as if it were an infantry
and she was so large with words that everyone called her goddess. In America
my mother is shrinking, is brandishing silence as a shield
and everyone calls her chink—
I know that language is disguise,
and the more Mandarin I forget the more American I become.,tongue
and trust me, i’m so good at forgetting: I scrape sonnets off my
to seem more American. As a child, I stopped talking
to see if that would make me an American
I silence my mother so that I am an American
I am eighteen years old and I still don’t know how to speak–
but I know that language is a weapon,
that I can hold it to my parents’ throats
to force them to speak American, please, to stretch their o’s
and lower their e’s, to quell the rapid waterfall of Mandarin
that threatens to burst from their mouths but
Mother, even after all these years, I am still so bad at English
Sometimes I say soot like suit. Sometimes I don’t say
words I can’t pronounce. Sometimes I mistake
a lost language for a dead thing
confuse silence for fluency. Sometimes, I return
all the skin to my body and still feel less
than whole. Once. I stood in front
of the mirror and said pellowpellowpellow
to bring the dead girl back. Last night,
I tried writing my Chinese name until I realized that
I had forgotten where to place each dash,
where to bury each bone of a language I once knew
Mother, if a language dies and no one is around to mourn it,
does it make a sound? I am trying to pull the silent things
out of my mouth. Mother, do you remember when grandfather died an ocean away
When you handed me the phone to speak to my relatives,
and I didn’ t know how to say: i’m sorry?
I thought of you, how sometimes I hear
the poems you’d sing to me:举头望明月,低头思故乡
(Looking up, see the moon. Looking down,
remember the home I’ve lost.
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