APAPA TVC全国警民联谊之夜National Night Out系列报道之六

( Livermore Max Baer Park )

撰稿人:David Gau

“全国警民联谊之夜”(National Night Out)活动,于8月2日傍晚在全美同步举行, 提供警方与民众亲密接触, 增进感情的机会, 亚太公共事务联盟三谷分会APAPA TVC,在湾区三谷地区四个城市的五个公园举办联谊活动。

( Pleasanton Tawny Park )


( San Ramon Sherwood Park )

市府的官员, 分局的警员以及消防队员, 通常会出席与民同乐,加强警民联系,共同维护社区治安、提升生活品质。

( Dublin Ted Fairfield Park )

亚太公共事务联盟三谷分会APAPA TVC在三谷地区的四个城市包括San Ramon, Pleasanton, Dublin以及Livermore, 分别举办了这个联谊的活动, 这项活动, 在目前全美警民关系相当紧张的时刻, 成了最好的润滑剂。

( San Ramon Piccadilly park )


From Dublin Mayor David Haubert:

National Night out in Dublin last night was a great event. Thank you to all the organizers, especially Margaret Liang who had the largest event of the evening! Well done. Dublin is an amazing community and gets stronger every day with great people like you. volunteering in the community.

(Dublin Mayor David Haubert with APAPA TVC Secretary Margrate Liang and other kids)

From San Ramon Jun Dong:

别的区都很羡慕我们, 下次多组织这种有意义的活动 。警察们讲, 他们和他们的家人都非常感谢我们。他们每天出门, 家人都担心他们的安全。我们能这么积极参与社区安全建设, 对他们是最大的支持。他们希望我们发现任何可疑的情况及时和他们沟通。他们欢迎大家多麻烦他们。

( San Ramon Mayor Bill Clarkson and Detective corporal Rich persson )

From Dublin 邵秋云 :

national night out. 呼吁大家走出家门,跟邻居们聚一聚,聊聊天,相互认识了解一下。朋友在公园里组织了活动,警长,市长,学区委员,消防员也来跟大家见面聊天,孩子们有冰淇淋吃,有可乐喝,有小礼物[礼物]拿,有pokemon go gym和stop玩,有球打,有playground,沙坑堆沙子,所以吸引了很多参与者。

From Pleasanton Jia Liu:

Tawny park ,pleasanton也是比平时热闹很多,一对住在附近的居民感到非常高兴,他们说小孩子小的时候经常在这里和别的孩子玩,有一些年孩子来得很少,比较冷清,近来来的孩子开始多了,今晚这么热闹,来了这么多人,真好。

这里也有一个救火车,孩子们都上去了,还得到了fire fighter 的礼物。

From Livermore Alice Wang:

Livermore 今晚的night out活动很成功,高中生义工们给力,Livermore邻居们难得有机会和市长和警察们聊天照相。

组织了这次Livermore 邻居活动,新老朋友互相交流很开心还有冰淇淋吃,警察和市长也来参加,让我们的社区更有凝聚力。

From APAPA Bay Area Vice Chair Albert Wang:

Thanks to Andy and all the organizers of these events. National Night Out is the perfect forum for APAPA to reach out to the mainstream. Glad to see people of all ethnicity attending these events, not to mention they looked like a lot of fun!! This should help relationship building a great deal and such relationships will be very helpful in enhancing understanding between Chinese Americans and others around us. Kudos to all!!

From Assemblywoman Catherine Baker:

Happy #NationalNightOut, AD16! Thank you to all those who hosted and attended a NNO tonight, including our local law enforcement, Scouts, churches, and neighbors. NNO gatherings help us unify and look out for one another and our community. -with Angie Coffee, Walnut Creek Police Department, Candace J. Kay Andersen, Bill Clarkson, Karen Stepper, APAPA Tri-Valley Chapter, Valerie Litterini Arkin, Andy Li, Marian Catedral-King, Danville Police Chief Steve Simpkins, Marsha Cheung Golangco.

( Assemblywoman Catherine Baker 为APAPA TVC President Andy Li 颁奖 )

特别致谢本次活动五个公园 APAPA TVC 统筹安排协调义工:
San Ramon Sherwood Park
Lily Zhu

San Ramon Piccadilly park
Andy Li

Dublin Ted Fairfield Park
Margrate Liang

Pleasanton Tawny Park
David Gau

Livermore Max Baer Park
Alice Wang
