周六3月9日晚,亚裔总统参选人杨安泽(Andrew Yang)和他的竞选团队负责人做客全美华人微信助选群——“挺杨群”(Yang Gang微信群), 向支持者致谢,并回答热点问题。
主持人:张冰/Don Sun/Paul Li
录音:周镭 文字整理/翻译:周宇
Acknowledgements:the publication of this article would not have been possible without the dedicated support of the following people: Dr. Bing Zhang, Don Sun and Paul Li for hosting this event, Linda Li, Shirley Ma and Bonnie Liao for organizing the event, collecting and presenting questions, Lei Zhou for voice recording, Joeyl for transcription and translation, Jessica and Jing Liu for editing and proofreading.
张冰:大家好,我是张冰。我是这个微信群的群主,我无比荣幸地在此欢迎美国下一任总统Andrew Yang来我们这个群跟大家沟通。Andrew,欢迎你!
Andrew Yang:大家好。我是Andrew Yang。首先让我感谢你们所有的帮助和支持。这非常重要,我也很高兴地告诉大家,这些努力都将会有收获,因为以我们现在的进展,我们绝对能够获得6月份民主党的初选辩论资格。我将非常自豪地代表我们的社区,并成为第一个竞选总统的亚裔美国人(编者注:应为第一位民主党亚裔参选人)。这样的民主党初选辩论也将是美国历史上第一次。您正在帮助我们创造这段历史,非常感谢您的信任和支持!大家知道,我的竞选规模增长飞速。当我们首次公开声明我们需要65000个捐款人时,当时的总数还不到两万,然而现在我在说这番话的时候,我们大约已经有了五万七八千人。在这么短时间内进展如此之大,令人难以置信,如果没有大家的努力,就不会有这样的成绩。
答:谢谢你的问题。这个问题对我们的社区来说非常重要。很显然, 我是(我们家)出生在这个国家的第一代,我两个儿子也都是华裔。 所以问题是我们如何打破玻璃天花板,我的态度始终是:走我们自己的路,因为如果我们只是等待别人的准许、等待别人对我们的提拔,那么这条路未必走得通。 因此,我为竞选总统而感到兴奋的一个原因是,我们将开创出一条自己的路,并在这条路上继续推进,以展示我们能够成就什么。我始终无法忘记的是,我就职于IBM的父亲,总是为一次次无缘被提拔而感受挫折,他认为这是因为他是华裔美国人的缘故。因此我一直想尝试有所突破。
答:你知道,我们GDP的18%都用于医疗保健。我的投资医疗保健公司的朋友告诉我,由于存在严重的效率低下问题,这个系统有极大的潜在的收益和利润。所以我不相信全民医保是无法负担的。作为一家公司的CEO,我知道我们在医疗方面花费巨大。所以政府要做的就是告诉各个公司,好消息, 你花在医疗保健上的钱,可以交给我们,然后我们把这件事搞定。相比于其他国家,美国在医疗保健方面的花费加倍,效果却更差。钱是百分之百在那里了,但现在不在公共部门手里。
所以我真的很兴奋。你们可能也看到了,前几天我上了Tucker Carlson的节目,我已经有五次上了福克斯新闻。所以我实际上争取到了很多前特朗普支持者。我参加的每一场活动,都有曾投票特朗普的选民,他们都说深受影响,决定要支持我。我这种跨越党派的吸引力的建立之快,远远超出我的想象。
孙晓光(Don Sun):大家好,我是孙晓光,下一位发言人是Carly Reilly,她是竞选委员会副主任。
Carly Reilly:大家好,我很高兴能来到这里。感谢大家的支持。我真的很高兴和大家交流。这里,我将先回答这样一个问题:UBI是否应该惠及那些没有经济压力的人?
答:这里的第三个问题是关于一个供大家提问的平台。是的,我们有两个地方可以派这种用处。 凡是有关志愿服务或者如何参与的问题,可以用[email protected]这个邮址发电子邮件。这是有关这些问题的好地方。其他的一般性问题或意见及建议,请发电子邮件至[email protected]。这是两个获取资讯的很好渠道。
答:所以我们没有拿任何机构PAC的钱。我们希望真正透明。这是一项真正由人民、像你们这样的每个人所资助的运动。这就是为什么你们捐赠、并让你们的朋友捐款,是如此重要的原因。鼓励你们的校友、你们的社区,大家都来捐赠。这是极重要的一部分。我们也极力推动这样的捐赠和支持。这种微信群也是真的会对我们起到很大帮助,你们提供了极大的支持和帮助。所以我鼓励你们去做更多同样的事情。您可以传播更多资讯,分享Andrew Yang的信息,并鼓励人们捐款,哪怕只有一美元。这对我们来说真的非常有效果。
答:哇,这是一个很好的问题。我认为,我们在这个竞选活动获得的益处是,在很多方面我们正确地标示了自己。Andrew Yang的政纲本身与其他候选人的截然不同。仅凭这一点,我们就能脱颖而出。Andrew的思维方式非常合理,符合逻辑,也很有意思,所以人们真的被吸引到。这就是一个策略。我们也突出了Andrew所拥有的技术视角。我们现在需要一个真正了解技术的人担任领导工作,了解技术可能带来的威胁以及它的好处。将Andrew刻画为技术大拿候选人也是我们能够与众不同的一种方式。他很年轻这个事实也是一个巨大的优势。作为亚裔美国人,这也给了他一个非常独特的视角和世界观,也是一个非常强大的工具。所以有很多方法,你可以认为他本然地就是与别人不同的。
Paul Li :非常感谢您。感谢大家今晚参加我们群聊。我要感谢Andrew和Carly在周六晚上给我们这样一段时间。我们对Yang2020竞选非常兴奋,真的很期待他站在辩论台上。祝你好运,Andrew!各位晚安!
(编者注:本文根据微信现场录音整理,如有疏漏,请留言补充。感谢张冰,孙晓光,Paul Li, 绵绵细雨,晓晓,廖冰等人汇总问题并现场主持,感谢周镭录音,感谢周宇整理文字并翻译成中文。)
根据民主党2020总统大选初选的最新规则,如果候选人在5月15日前收到来自全国20个州的65000捐款人的捐款,Andrew Yang就有可能登上6月和7月民主党候选人初选辩论会,所以你哪怕捐款给杨安泽1美元,都可能帮助华裔总统候选人登上全美国瞩目的辩论大舞台。

Andrew Yang?
1. 参加他的各地竞选活动:https://www.yang2020.com/
2. 说服朋友给他捐款
3. 捐款支持:https://secure.actblue.com/donate/friends-of-andrew-yang
4. 成为他的竞选义工:https://my.yang2020.com/
Bing Zhang:Hello. This is Bing Zhang. I am the organizer of this group and it is my distinguished pleasure and honor to welcome the next president of the United States Andrew Yang to this WeChat group. Welcome Andrew!
Andrew:Hello everyone. This is Andrew. Just want to say thank you so much for all of your help and support. It’s immensely meaningful and I’m glad to say that it’s going to pay off because we are on track to make the Democratic primary debates in June and I’m going to be very proud to represent our community and be the first Asian-American man to run for president. That’s made the Democratic primary debates in the nation’s history. You are helping us make this history and just want to say thank you so much for your belief and support. You know this campaign is growing so fast. When we first said we needed 65000 donations we had less than twenty thousand donations and then now as I’m talking to you right now we’re at something around fifty seven or fifty eight thousand. And so to go so far so fast is incredible and it wouldn’t have happened without you all.
Bing Zhang:Thank you very much, Andrew. And now the first question.
Q: How do you address the issues of racial prejudice against Asian Americans? How to break the glass ceiling? What are your advices to second generation Chinese or Asian Americans?
A:Thank you for your question. It’s a very important question for our community. I am obviously the first generation born in this country and I have two Chinese boys. And so the question is how do we break the glass ceiling and my stance toward it has always been to try and define our own path because if we wait around for someone to approve of us and give us a promotion that may or may not work. And so it’s one reason why I’m so excited to run for president is that we’re going to be able to build our own path and take our own path forward and show what we can do. My father worked at IBM and he was always frustrated that he got passed over for promotion and he thought it was because of his being Chinese American and that always stuck with me. So I always wanted to try and do things.
Q: How are you going to fund both UBI and Medicare for All? Even the moderate Democrats are saying Medicare for All is unaffordable.
A:You know we’re spending 18 percent of GDP on healthcare and I have friends who invest in healthcare companies who tell me that there is a ton of excess revenue and profits in the system because of massive inefficiencies. So I just don’t believe that Medicare for All is unaffordable. As a CEO of a company, we spend a ton on health care. And so what the government’s going to do is the government’s going to say, hey, good news: the money that you’re spending on health care you can give to us and then we’re take we’re going to take it off your hands. We spend twice as much as other countries on health care to worse results. The money is 100 percent there. This is not in the public sector right now.
There is so much waste in the health care system it’s staggering because the private insurance companies — the entire industry — that’s making money that may or may not be adding value to patients. And there’s a lot of extra revenue from procedures and tests that may or may not be making us healthier. So I’m confident that we’re gonna be able to save money on health care with almost everyone.
So on the health care side, the confusion is that people think that we don’t have the money but the money is being spent. Again, trillions of dollars is just coming from families and businesses. And so if we can get it off the backs of businesses it’s going to make it easier to hire easier to start companies easier to change jobs. It’s going to add a lot of efficiency to the economy.
Q:How to connect your messages to the rural communities and blue collar workers?
A:Thank you for this question. I’ve been thrilled at how receptive rural communities and blue collar workers have been to me when I’ve gone to them and I’m going back to Iowa tomorrow for the ninth time. But just by showing up they realize that you’re there to help. And I have not found that my ethnicity has been any barrier at all in my ability to connect with these voters.
And so I’m really excited and I know if you saw but I was on Tucker Carlson just the other day and I’ve been on Fox News five times. So I’m actually getting a lot of support among many people who supported Donald Trump. Every event I have there are Trump voters who say they become this affective and they’re going to support me. I’m building crossover appeal actually much more quickly than I could have imagined.
If anything right now it’s the traditional Democratic constituencies and liberals and I need to introduce myself to so I was just asked to be on MSNBC last week and I’m going to be doing a CNN interview this coming week. So over time I’m going to get in front of more of the traditional Democratic voters. But many people in rural communities and blue collar communities are actually very excited about my candidacy.
Don Sun:Hi everyone! This is a Don Sun, and next speaker is Carly Reilly, she’s the Campaign Deputy Director.
Q:Should UBI apply to people that are not financially challenged?
Carly Reilly:Hi all, I’m so excited to be here. Thank you for your support. I’m really excited to be talking to you. So I’m going to answer the question here. Should UBI apply to people that are not financially challenged. So yeah our plan is universal. And there are a couple of reasons for that. First it helps to reduce bureaucracy. So the first thing is you don’t want to stigmatize the program you don’t want to stigmatize the money. So by giving it to everyone you avoid it being sort of a transfer from rich to poor. And it sort of becomes a way to stigmatize people who are the program. And then the second piece is it helps to reduce administrative costs and bureaucracy. If you just give it to everyone you don’t have to gain permanent income threshold and [… audio cut]
Q:What can we do to increase the poll number?
A:All right. So first question here what can we do to increase the polling number. Well I would say some of what you’ve already done has been a huge help to that because I know all of you have been donors to the campaign or many of you have and that’s fantastic. That’s a huge piece. So and what that helps us with is getting more press out there because the more money we raise the more we have to get press and the press is a great driver of pulling numbers because it just helps to raise our awareness. You know the big piece with Andrew is when people know about him they’re really excited about him. And we are we tend to see those numbers go up. So where were you guys already doing you know helping us get there and then you know the other piece is the volunteer work and spreading the word by telling your friends and joining up with the local volunteers in your areas who are already doing this much of this work. So the that’s something that I wanted to talk to you all about our “Yang Gangs” that exist around the country these days.
Q:What’s the team’s overall strategy to have Andrew Yang rally across the states? Certain states are more critical than others?
A:So the second question here is about the overall strategy to have Andrew Yang rallies across the country. So that is something we are very much doing we’re super excited about it. We just had a big rally here in Texas in Austin last night. We had a great rally in Baltimore. We’re gonna be having a big rally in San Francisco and then in Chicago. So going to places where we know we already have a lot of support is one part of that strategy and making sure we’re talking to to folks who we know where we got some. So a bit of a grassroots movement going on but certainly there are states that are more important than others so that early battleground states which are Iowa New Hampshire Nevada and South Carolina are really important so we’re gonna be traveling to them. I think Andrew mentioned he’s going to Iowa tomorrow New Hampshire later this month and then we’re going to have some big rallies in South Carolina and Nevada in April as well. So those are some of the places we’re really focusing our energy.
Q:Do you have a platform to allow his supporters to provide suggestions and comments to you team?
A:This third question here is about a platform for you all to ask questions. So yes we have a couple of places to do that. So if you e-mail [email protected] that is if you’ve questions about volunteering or where to get involved. That’s a good place to direct those questions. If you have other sort of just general questions or comments or suggestions then you can e-mail [email protected]. These are two great places to get get more information and resources.
Q:Do you have any plan to get big donors and PACs to support Yang?
A:So we did not take any corporate PAC money. We want to be really transparent. And this is a movement that is really funded by the people and by people like yourselves. Which is why it is so important that you all donate and get your friends to donate you know encourage your alumni associations you know the people in your communities to donate. That’s a big part of it. And and we’re you know we we definitely are pushing to get get those donors and some of that support. I think the biggest group that we had an end to this kind of WeChat channel and so so you really are going to be hugely instrumental for us. I feel very strongly I know you’ve already been a great of great supporters and a great help so I just really want to mobilize you all to do to do more of that. So the more you can spread the word and share Andrew’s message and and encourage people to donate even a dollar to the campaign it really makes a big difference to us.
Q:In such a crowed primary, what’s the strategy to differentiate and stand out among all these candidates?
A:Wow that’s such a good question. So I think for the benefit to this campaign is there’s so many ways in which we’re differentiated right. So Andrew’s platform itself is very different from what any other candidate is recommending. And so that alone is a way in which we’re really able to differentiate ourselves and the way Andrew thinks is just so reasonable and interesting and logical and so people are really being drawn to that. So that’s that’s one strategy. And then we’re really playing up kind of a tech angle that Andrew has.
You know it’s time that we have somebody in office and we have leaders who really understand technology and you understand sort of the threat that technology can pose as well as its benefits. And so really helping to put Andrew in a position where he’s known as sort of the tech candidate is is one way we’re able to differentiate ourselves. I mean the fact that he’s so young is is a huge benefit there as well. And then of course the fact that he’s Asian-American and that gives him a very distinct perspective and view of the world and is a is a very powerful tool. So there’s a lot of ways. You think he naturally is differentiated.
Paul Li:Thank you very much. Thanks everyone for participating in tonight’s WeChat conference call on behalf of all the Yang Gang WeChat. I want to thank Andrew and Carly for spending the time in a late Saturday night with us. We’re really excited about Yang2020 campaign. We really look forward to seeing Andrew on the debate stage. Good luck Andrew. And good night everybody.
校译:溪边愚人/Jing Liu
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