12月21日:APAPA TVC 诚挚邀请您参加加州教育总监讲座

12月21日:APAPA TVC 诚挚邀请您参加加州教育总监讲座

12月21日:APAPA TVC 诚挚邀请您参加加州教育总监讲座
APAPA TVC 诚挚邀请您参加加州教育总监讲座


1. “Common Core" 在加州公立学校的实施会对加州教育有什么深远的影响?

2. 废除高中毕业考试会对加州学生带来什么样的影响?

3. 加州教育系统如何培养STEM 学生以满足人才和就业市场的需求?

4. 加州如何致力于发展具有本州特色的人才培养的教育系统?

Superintendent Tom Torlakson 已连续第二任期担任加州教育总监。他出身于教育服务家庭, 是家族里第二代公校教师。

任期内, 他成功地提高校园安全, 注重教育在现实社会的应用, 提高家长, 教师和社区在运用教育经费方面的自主权。您可于12月21日亲身听到他讲述现今加州的教育制度所面临的问题和挑战。

如果您家有成长中的孩子,或您参与教育工作的事业, 您都适合来聆听加州教育主管的讲述。

Learn about the California education system from California State Superintendent Tom Torlakson

• How does Common Core affect our school system and our children?

• What is the impact of suspending the California high school exit exam?

A second generation public school teacher, Superintendent Torlakson is working diligently for you in his second term as the California State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

As Superintendent, he has made our schools safer, helped more students graduate with real-world skills, and allowed parents, teachers, and communities to decide the spending of our education dollars.

Meet him in person on December 21st , 2015 to hear him talk about the California education system. If you have children growing up under our California education system or a career in the system, don't miss the opportunity of meeting the current architect of education in California.

Time: Dec 21, 2015 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Place: Dougherty Valley High School Performance Art Center
10550 Albion Road, San Ramon, CA 94582

Please register here:

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