秋色中的耶鲁校园。(摄影:Victor Liu)
“家庭周末”活动,是一个看望孩子的好机会。刚刚过去的周末是耶鲁大学的家庭周末(Family Weekend), 我们这些去参加活动的华人家长举办了一个聚会,也邀请了孩子们,并组织了一次别开生面的问与答——由新生家长或学生提问,高年级的同学回答。我的女儿是参加回答的四个高年级同学之一。起初我还不知道女儿能不能抽出时间去参加我们的家长聚会,不想我跟女儿一提,她欣然答应,而且表示非常愿意解答家长和低年级学生的问题。我自然非常高兴,也对她心存感激。让我事先没有想到的是,这次问与答,除了女儿用她的经验帮助到新生和家长以外,她的热心和参与,更增加了我们母女之间的感情,让她对父母的爱有了更深的了解和理解,也对中国文化有了更深的理解。她说从父母们提出的问题中,她深切地感到了中国父母对孩子们无私的爱,她为此深深感动。
耶鲁校园一角。(摄影:Michael Maraland)

It is so touching to see such a big group of parents all gathered together because they love and support their children.
I had assumed questions would be about which classes to take and how to get internships, but I realized all these parents wanted to know was how to ensure that their kids are happy and could have a well-balanced life in college.
One parent came up to me afterwards and asked if it was normal that her son was sleeping at 2-3 am on weekdays. She seemed incredibly worried. As a student, this is normal to me. But seeing the look of concern on her face made me realize that these little things we take as the way of life at school can seem odd and confusing to parents (obviously, in this case though, sleeping late is not healthy).
Another parent asked how applications to clubs worked–I’d assumed (once again) they meant academic clubs, but they’d been referring to the arts, like a cappella groups and dance groups.
It was then that I’d realized I’d misjudged the situation. There’s a stereotype that Chinese parents only care about grades and high paying jobs, but I think this is very much a stereotype of the past.
Answering questions in that room made me realize that these parents were parents that didn’t want their children to blindly follow fields they weren’t passionate about, they were actually worried about the health, happiness, and social lives of their kids. Most of all, this was a group of loving parents that wanted to gain more insight into their kids’ lives, better understand the world their now-adult children were about to enter, and hopefully be able to pass along the information to help them if they could.
Only a parent would do that, that is the type of love only our mothers or fathers have for us.
While all of us kids were hanging out upstairs poking fun at the parents for having this gathering, this gathering was for the sake of the kids all along. At the end of the day, our parents all had such different experiences in college and it wasn’t until today that I realized they just wanted to better understand, maybe be helpful and have some advice to give; and while high school was more or less straightforward, Yale is far removed and can seem very foreign to parents who just want to be there for their kids. It was even more apparent as I realized these parents were asking us, a group of upper-classman only a few years older with only a bit more experience, for advice.
Even though this group of parents was concerned, it was that concern that made me realize how supportive and caring they were. This is how Chinese culture shows their love best; and it was incredibly touching to be a part of it tonight.
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《听我心声 | “妈妈你吃了吗?” —— 给妈妈的一封公开信》
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