由圣荷西市议员朱感生(Kansen Chu)发起的就FOX News主持人Bob Beckel侮辱和污蔑华人言论的抗议活动于7月29日中午在圣荷西市府广场举行。参加集会的有如下民选官员、候选人、华人和社区团体组织和几十位各个族裔的民众。集会上政治人物和各组织的代表分别发言,就FOX News主持人Bob Beckel的侮辱华人、污蔑华人的言论表示强烈的抗议。要求FOX News解雇Bob Beckel。
圣荷西市议员朱感生(Kansen Chu)
圣荷西市议员Ash Kalra 卡拉
Cupertino市议员张昭富(Barry Chang)
Saratoga市议员候选人赵嬿(Yan Zhao)
Cupertino学区委员候选人潘欣欣(Kristen Lyn)
Cupertino学区委员候选人张弛(Cris Zhang)
Candidate for Congressional District 17 Ro Khanna
Fremont Unified School District Lili Mei 高敘加
President of APAPA South Bay Joel Wong
Charles Liu, United for a Better Community (UBC)
NAACP San Jose Silicon Valley Branch Rev. Jethro Moore
Alex Chen, Silicon Valley Chinese Association (SVCA)
Moina Shaiq from Human Relation Commision
Chandra Brook, Community Relation Director of San Jose
David Chai, OCA san Mateo chapter
朱感生(Kansen Chu)议员发表了如下正式声明:
Press Conference: Rally Against Bob Beckel
Good afternoon. Thank you all for coming out this afternoon to stand in solidarity with the Chinese American community against the hate speech and ignorance being perpetuated by Fox News
I am here today as an American citizen and Chinese immigrant to voice my outrage over the remarks made by Bob Beckel and demand a sincere on air apology to not only the Chinese American community, but also the entire immigrant community in the United States.
We need to send a clear message that to attack one immigrant group is to attack all immigrant groups. And attacking on the basis of ethnicity, religion, gender, and language is unacceptable and we will not tolerate that message being preached in our country.
We need to work with other groups to help to shape the debate on immigration, education, civil rights, and the forward movement of immigrant groups in our society.
We must fuel the outrage and hurt we are feeling right now and channel it into creating a loud voice any community under attack.
In the past, the Chinese American community has chosen to stay silent, even when our community was under attack; but today we must come together with other communities and collectively raise our voices in favor of change.
It is time that as immigrants we have our voice heard by those who represent us, and it is time for our community to voice their needs to elected officials
Today, I stand before you as the first Chinese American to be elected to San Jose City Council and hopefully as your future State Assemblymember with an action plan
- I will work with the media outlets to establish a code of ethics that prevents racist remarks such as the ones made by Bob Beckel from happening again
- As an elected official, community leader, and an immigrant I promise to promote tolerance and work to end discrimination. I came to the United States from Taiwan in 1976 seeking a better life in a country that promised a life free form hate, the opportunity to be innovative and work amongst other immigrants from different ethnic backgrounds. I have long admired the symbiosis created by immigrants in the United States. The broad categorization of the Chinese tech industry workers in the United States and China as ‘national security threats’ was as offensive and reminiscent of a time when groups of people were excluded from society in the United States because they looked different.
- I will work with Asian American leaders in the technology industry in the Silicon Valley to find ways to help these Asian American professionals break through the glass ceiling
- I will continue my work in advocating for STEAM education and Common Core Standards at the k-12 level in order to accurately prepare our students for university level education
- I will continue to work with our community’s schools districts boards to ensure the curriculum and spending directly benefits not only our students but also the facilities in which they are being taught
Lastly, I promise to build a strong coalition with all of the leaders who embrace the true value of our nation to fight against any prejudice and discrimination in the United States. - This kind of hate and intolerance Bob Beckel perpetuated on The Five is unacceptable and it is remarks such as those he made that lead to hate crimes against immigrants. As a community we must not retaliate, rather we must rise above and demonstrate to society that our contributions are valuable as Americans.