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三谷分会的会长Andy Li先生先开车带大家参观了这个私人庄园,大人们泛舟在人造的大湖中,小朋友们忙着喂食各种饲养的动物,老人们乐着品尝果园里不同的水果,一个愉快的上午转眼就过去了。

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在享受了丰盛的午餐后,全体会员集聚在大会厅里,庄园的主人,也是亚太公共事务联盟(APAPA)的创始人尹集成先生和他的夫人,Regina跟大家分享了他们是如何服务于亚裔社区,帮助和提高亚裔在参政议政方面。并且介绍了他们去首府华盛顿如何对排华法案进行游说。今年是铁路华工150周年纪念,希望我们大家能慷慨解囊, 捐出一杯咖啡的钱来支持我们的祖先铁路华工,建立一个纪念碑(http://crrwmemorialproject.com),这样让整个美国都知道我们华人对美国社会所做过的贡献。


附:APAPA Youth Group student Max Zhuang’s article

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On Saturday December 21, 2014, CC Yin invited many members of APAPA and myself to his home for lunch to celebrate the APAPA Tri-Valley Chapter; this year garnering 25 life time members into the organization. A polite and kind man, he immediately introduced myself to one of his daughters, Dartmouth alumni, when I mentioned that I would be attending the school in the fall. She not only talked to me about her experiences at the school but also about CC Yin, introducing me to his home. There, we witnessed his true legacy, told through the achievements, plaques, and photos in his home; Mr. Yin was an immigrant who came to the Americas in search of better opportunity as an engineer. He spoke about the many hardships he faced as a first generation immigrant with his wife, Regina. Eventually, through years of hard work in America, he formed a McDonalds empire owning 31 chains on the west coast. However, as someone who came to America as an immigrant, CC Yin shows strong appreciation for American politics and Democracy. And thus, he founded the nonpartisan organization APAPA motivated to drive voter participation in Asian American citizens like himself.

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