FOX News主持人Bob Beckel发表针对华人的种族歧视和诬蔑言论


FOX News Channel(FNC)时事谈话节目The Five主持人Bob Beckel在节目中公然发表针对华人的种族歧视和诬蔑言论。在2014年7月10日的The Five节目中,当谈到谁造成对美国的威胁时,Box Beckel说道:

“The Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national security of the U.S. They have been, they will be and they can wait, they’re very patient. Do you know what we just did? As usual, we bring them over here and we teach a bunch of Chinamen — er, Chinese people — how to do computers and then they go back to China and hack into us.”

译文:中国人是对美国国家安全的最大单一威胁。他们曾经是、他们将会是、他们能等待、他们很有耐心。你知道我们做了什么吗?像往常一样,我们把他们带到这里,我们教一帮中国佬(Chinamen)的 – 呃,中国人 – 如何做电脑,然后他们回到中国,并非法侵入我们(的计算机系统)。

对此、加州州参议员刘云平(Tec Lieu)已经发表声明抗议并要求Bob Beckel辞职

Bob Beckel种族歧视和诬蔑言论视频:

Bob Beckel’s Bio

Bob Beckel at Wikipedia
