左宗棠鸡——可能是美国人最喜欢的中餐菜肴之一,也是文中陈老板店中的招牌菜。(Photo courtesy of Alpha | Flickr)
第二天一早,爱国就回答了。还是爱国的风格,不打字只送语音。”集资,我——”他说着好似喉咙被卡住了。“找朋友要钱,不好意思讲啊——。” 福建普通话,语速慢,结尾拉得特别长。声音消失,眼前立刻浮现出他那忠厚友善的表情。我心里受到了很大的触动。可以想像,他那个“啊”拖得有多长,为难之情就有多么重。
爱国是福建长乐市潭头人,来美国已经20多年了。前十年一直居住在纽约,2003年开始他和弟弟爱明先后到明州双城地区经营中餐生意。自己当老板,开个店叫香港餐馆 (Hong Kong Restaurant)。生意兴隆,以外卖为主。最受欢迎的菜是左宗鸡,蒙古牛,cream cheese wonton,等等。通常是每天工作十个小时,一周七天。因为菜肴色香味俱全,服务周到、诚实守信、仗义疏财吸引了大批食客。和爱国通个话总要被电话订餐的铃声打断数次。
香港饭店位于 231 13th Ave south, South St Paul, MN 55075
作为美国华人维权组织的领军人物,爱国被选为联盟组织的执行长。爱国最大的 “亮点”还在于他以大局为重无条件地吸收人才。组建初期,联盟对人才求贤若渴,我曾经试图弹劾他,用这个执行长的位置吸引其他候选人。爱国非常爽快让位,又在没人担当时挑起重担。我深感愧疚,苦于没有机会道歉。不想几日后又尝到爱国亲自钓到的鲤鱼,道歉和感激都借此文表达了!
Austin Wu的采访报告
Interview Report
Austin Wu
This first interview was a valuable and enlightening experience. I was a little nervous, but also excited. This was my first opportunity to write the history of Chinese immigration, to be a part of the history of our people. When I first arrived at Aiguo’s restaurant, I was struck by what this little place meant. Here was an example of the American Dream, someone who had created his own business, found success in his career, and carved out his little place in this country. This was the backbone of our nation, these entrepreneurs, who worked day in and day out for their little corner of America.
Aiguo grew up in the mountainous Fujian province in China. However, when Aiguo was about to enter high school, his family moved to Chinatown in New York. As his plane touched down in the Big Apple, Aiguo was surprised by how brightly the city shone. Yet home was never far away. Many of the people who lived in his village had also immigrated, and he was in a place full of familiar faces. His childhood friends remained part of his life. Even at school, he continued to speak Fujianese, not English. This smoothed his transition greatly. After high school, Aiguo moved west to Minnesota, trying to open his own restaurant in an area with less competition. Through a decade of hard work, he now has a successful business, two kids, and the ability to support himself without many worries. The advent of the internet, and more specifically, the messaging app Wechat, has allowed him to reconnect with many of his old friends from New York, and he takes a vacation with some of them every year.
After living in America for some time, Aiguo has many interesting observations about the country. When asked why he came to the states, Aiguo said “Everyone in my village wanted to come to the US. I’d say about 90% of the village lives in America now,” commenting on the allure of America to many who live abroad. When asked about one of the common themes of moving to America, having a better life for his children, Aiguo replied that he simply wants them to “be able to provide for themselves.” As long as they have a good life, Aiguo says, he’ll be happy. He called China “more free” than the US, referring to the bureaucratic red tape that is required for many things in America. “The police in America will be there right away if you call them,” He comments wryly, “on the other hand, the police in China don’t care.”
Aiguo also had some comments on what it was like to be an immigrant today. He also briefly touched on the fear that accompanied our new presidency, saying that he had heard many stories of illegal immigrants from the area who had been deported recently. He said that there was a lot of fear surrounding these new changes. “The Americans I knew were very friendly before the whole election business, but now it seems like everyone is more hostile.” Despite all of this, Aiguo is glad he came to America. Even though he misses China, he said that, given the choice, he’d like to stay where he is now.
Aiguo brought to light a new perspective on America, one that I had definitely never thought of before. He brought a whole new world into my view, gave me a whole new understanding of what it meant to be American. His story, like those of countless others, represents the heart of America – the hardworking, entrepreneurial spirit that defines this nation of immigrants. Without Aiguo and those like him, America would not be as great as it is today.
美国华人维权联盟是今年四月在明州及IRS注册的非盈利组织 (The Association of Chinese Americans For Social Justice) 。目标是捍卫华人权益,促进华人团结。致力于以下三方面的工作:1. 推进华人族群的合法权益,2. 传递中华传统文化,团结华人族群,3. 促进中美文化、教育、经济等领域的交流。我们推广华人党理念,唤醒血肉相连的同胞意识。我们要的不是共和党不是民主党,而是华人党。在华人社区里捍卫华人族群权益的重要性应当超越党派政治分歧。历史写作是我们的重点项目。目标是回顾历史、教育同胞、警醒后人、思考未来。美国华人维权联盟是项目发起人,我们也在寻找不同领域的机构合作成为这个项目的共同发起人。青少年写作是历史写作的相关项目。青少年作者将深入了解并记载不同职业华人的移民心路历程。关注美国华人维权联盟,请扫描二维码。
作者:欣欣然 Austin Wu
本文首发于“美国华人”公众号(ID: ChineseAmericans)

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